Friends Like My Oxygen

Tadi, aku stalk kau punya blog. Baca benda-benda yang lepas, and... Im really really miss you. Yeah! Before ni memang aku rindu kau, tapi now rindu sangat. Heee, dulu kita like a cheerful kids life without problem. 'Without problem' konon, HAHA. Tapi better than now, right? Now, I lost you u_u and nobody love me. I did a big fault, then I solved the problem with them except you. I hope that December 31 this year is all meant for me. Hahaha, takda siapa akan faham pasal Disember 31 ni. Give me a chance and I will change everything :') . Like other person always talk, jangan terlalu berharap takut benda yang kita harap tak tercapai. So, Im just pray. I'd rather a life full of mistakes than a life full of regret. Sebelum aku menyesal, lebih baik aku buat apa yang patut. Maybe susah bagi kau nak terima balik, but I always keep trying. Hurm, maybe. A great moment never came back. What I did before, that's not mean I didn't appreciate you, dear friend. Semua orang melakukan kesilapan, itu naluri kehidupan. Kalau kau bagi aku peluang, aku takkan lepas peluang yang kau bagi tu. Im really appreciate all of you. *I'm just practising my english language. Hehehe.

-By Mrs.Please-

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